Sunday 24 July 2011


What? Did he just sneeze? No. It's a medieval-themed fighting sport, with foam-covered weapons. Imagine foam swords, daggers, axes (two handed and one-handed variations), foam quarter staffs (giant stick with two foam hitting ends, Darth Maul style!), maces, and a friend of mine even built his own medieval flail (no small feat, though it broke almost the first day he built it). THAT is what I did today. It is beyond cool, and probably just about the best thing around, if you're into kicking the crap out of friends, and walking away after grinning like a 5 year old at a free candy festival! A friend's cousin even chased his MOM around with one of these, and guess what?! She BEAT HIM! That's right. Mom's rule. Ha ha ha, that's just about it for today. Have an awesome week, wherever you may be, and be good to each other,


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